domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

The End?

Last entry! Wow, the truth has made me very short and funny, I like this format of having two separate classes, where there is a single class to write and another just to talk, so it becomes lighter and calm, the truth is that just relaxed me write silent, it's fun we have or we can add a picture, video or link, and finally ended up laughing or learning with comments from of peers.

I can not say that I have found it easy, I'm rather bad for the English (speak, learn or write), is clearly not my forte, but I like, it is necessary to play certain games, not really, is a joke, is important for interact with overseas travelers for example, albeit I speak English bad (and I can not understand good),  I could be traveling for a month with a "Gringo" (my friend John Hawkins is a master of violin) and we interact a bit (he spoke some Spanish, credit is of he really).

Although missed several classes by standstill, actually think I learned new words, this last time wordreference has become one of my great friends, learning new ways of saying things (or really the right way), and of course I have met some of our colleagues, although with Miguel and Eduardo are partners and usually work together for college, is not the same for the cases of our colleagues in other courses, it's been fun reading your blogs and know we have things in common and learn new things through their texts.

Although we finish this part written, there are still spoken classes with exams and stuff that I do very complicated, I have to work on the videos that have yet to deliver, and see how to study for the final exam.

Luck friends, we still have fights to give to pass English!

work work work!

Of course my dream job is NOTHING, but as hardly nothing is achieved in this life free, which most resembles is making movies or work in one, the truth I've never been to a shooting of a film, it's likely that define great things in my life, but at this moment I like to do things with certain social issues, film  I see it as a tool that is capable of change and show things that is very difficult to see.

Beyond my longing of filmmaking I do not close the possibility of working on things "part time", I'm hoping to finish my last professional practice, and work on something that fits me with the study schedule, I like the work being dealer in Juan Gomez Millas, but of "pasta base" or "porro" not green with "50 cents", no, no, it's a joke; I would like to work on a social and cultural center, it would be fun to work with a group of circus theater, years ago I tried to do that and really work out well entertained in various sides, giving the opportunity to travel, meet people and really nice places, but not very compatible with the studies, so it is likely to take the path of waiter (until Log Out), I think that despite not having very good reputation in the field of "labor compliance" (with terrifying times) is something that will always be necessary, everywhere need waiter to work, and if for some reason I can travel to another city, I can to stay with something and experience a little quieter (knowing work of waiter).

Well I hope to work on a feature film and make a project to make me happy, and to live with some friends a little quieter.


Video Games

Actually I like video games, I'm usually not very good and I am quite tricky, I like hold the key to pull tricks, super powers, unlimited life or those things (is much more entertaining). I do not play games usually very often, because of time (between the university and others stuff most important in my leisure time, I don´t have time for the play) so I pay more attention in the summer holidays, but my brothers are very good for games, I sit to see them play, and when I think I learned a little, I go to play alone.

In my house since childhood have existed consoles since my younger brother (rat boy) is very spoiled, so have passed since the "super nintendo" so far "PS3", but personally since I started play PS2 I intended more seriously (if you can call it that), I enjoyed playing the "Godfather" and "GTA San Andreas" is real good, you can do everything, from moving drugs, kill people, enter unfamiliar homes and steal cars, but in "PS3" I can know the "Assassin Creed"  and was impressed with the graphics and the possibilities of movement, is set in different times (I remember "prince of Persia", but much better, in fact its creators are the same in general), moves from the time of the Renaissance in Europe to date (2012 for the game) from the point of view of a murderer in a world of Templars, traveling well in various European cities, but with greater emphasis on Roma, he can enter the Vatican!

I am currently watching my brothers play "The Last of U.S." for "PS3", is a game set in post zombie apocalypse, and it really is amazing the graphics, the story, the interaction between the characters and the possibilities of approaching the likelihood of real life.

Greetings Zombies!


It's a bit complicated to talk about how we can be green today, but clearly there are different ways to support the preservation of native life, and well, now I begin to give explanations of my lifestyle.

Well, people learn in different situations about environmentally friendly practices, but I think like most things all part at house and in the great friends, then as personal interests go deeper issues.

In my case, my family has a small trend toward recycling, mainly in the manufacture of natural fertilizer,  I live in a small plot where in the background we have a landfill for vegetables we eat, and there is a small grape arbor, where every year we harvest grapes to freeze and make juice or "Chicha" when there is motivation.

With regard to transport is complicated move in bike only, because they are about 25 km to square and about 34 km to the University, I did a couple of times, but the next day is a bit exhausting the truth, but some time ago I decided to buy a folding bike, I can now move up to the bus and in the middle a little quieter with my bike, in fact I have really wanted to raise money to buy one more would be, as my wheel is 24 ',  I ve seen one a very professional wheel 28 `folding (thinking on long way), but hey are quite expensive.

Finally I think my current contribution rather than the means of transport has been the vegetarianism, and I have a couple of years without eating meat, shellfish, and personally I would like to be part of veganism, but now I find it very hard for the money and times.


Ashes and Snow

Well, the truth, for me it is quite difficult to talk about a favorite movie, but I recently  saw “Ashes and Snow” of Gregory Colbert, one film that is difficult of classify, because used different formats of image, for example  photographs, film material, voice over as small letters, and more; perhaps is more appropriate
call “Ashes and Snow” as one exposure or exposition.

Some time ago I saw a picture that I really liked, was a child sitting in front of a big elephant, really did not pay much attention to the origin of that picture until by chance I came across "Ashes and Snow" and saw that belonged to this film.

Honestly I loved, is a "exposure" very nice, coincide with that was with my brothers and watched a movie night, we start with "This is England" and then with nothing to do, we ended up in "Ashes and Snow". The only bad, is for my bad luck I saw it on a small screen, but our revenge will come in one big projector!

Well, it was a nice experience, something similar happened with "Baraka" by Ron Fricke, but that we were lucky to see it on a large projection accompanied by a meal.

If anyone knows any similar film I look forward to see it, or if it not is similar, but is lovely I look forward too also.


lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

The next form of see

I choose one piece of news that not have big connection with my career, but I think more further on it will.

Google glass, don´t have intentions of stop, now created one new app that can taking pictures by winking; Mike DiGiovanni, is one of more people responsible of the app, and speak of the experience after used for two weeks.

Is very strange the situation of world; now I can see information in one glass, and next can taking pictures by winking, I think that in case of success the form of watch the world change in the future. Now enter in "mi area of studies/future career", because one new form of watch is a new form of see films or videos. Now "youtube" is a very special in life of people in the world, the cellphones reproduce videos or songs in little time. In Argentina exist one project call "Tras los pasos del Hombre Bestia: Una experiencia transmedia", he project is a very big idea, but one little area is "Microsodios para moviles" (; is 8 chapters of 3 minutes for celfhones. I think that Google glass is a good opportunities for make series entertaining.

Well the world every time becomes more robotic (even ours memories is uncertain for the different influences of technologies), but I think that is possible make new projects in him. 

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Music for the life

I don´t know that "style" o  "type" of music I like me, the true, I like the music, in special listening in live, because of, I don't sure that exist one favorite band or something similar. My first started listening to the music I think is of children, "Congreso" and "Fulano" be heard since if I can remember, my mother, my brother and my uncles play guitar.

In this time I like differents bands or "style" of music, but I guess that "Sea Horse" of "Devendra Banhart" is a very cool song, I like the letter, is a beautiful live style, but I don´t like "Devendra" as band complete. I think that the most similar to mi favorite band is "La Floripondio", I like the discography of the band, I think that every disc is very diferent and identify one stage of his career. My favorite disc is "Dime qué pasa" and mi favorite song is "Lamento Boricano".

I think that, the uncle ("El Mala Vida") of one friend is very important for mi "style" (that not exist really), because hi I took for one important concert in my life (SKA Festival for Santiago in 2001), but is very difficult speak of the" master".

Well that if they can listen the song "Lamento Boricano - La Floripondio" or "Sea Horse - Devendra Banhart", I very like.


lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Holidays in the "North"

Well, is very difficult speak of my "best" holidays, because I don´t sure of that really exist, I like all moment similar of the holidays, for example one long weekend or week in September (in special when go at the beach in winter, the "forest" of the fifth region is very green, and I like the rains), but I think that my last holidays is very beautiful, because I can learn about of Peru and Bolivia and I can learn nice people. In the last summer I go to Arica, Peru and Bolivia for one month (February) with 3 friend of Santiago, but in Bolivia I can see more friends in La Paz and Coroico.

I like the landscape of the countries, in Bolivia exist one place called "La Isla del Sol", is very nice and strange, is the most similar at the concept of the beach, but with "Titicaca" and with free pigs that he eat your food, crap and pot of one friend (lost the kitchen), but in here place exist one ruins very specials. In Perú the people is the best, is very nice and good person, in the one situation I have problem with the money (I can´t extract money of cash machine) and one women give me money for the night, is impossible that don´t like. And in Arica far away the best is the beach, really the water don’t is hot, but is vey comfortable.

Well, I don’t know that my last holidays is the "best", but I like travel for the one month in "other country", and the people with travel is very beautiful.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013


The true I not sure that country is the most similar to "the good life", but I like Mexico, because I think that is interesting his culture, the history (the revolution Mexican for example), the films (Mexico un decade of 40' or 50' is the most important producer of films in Latino American),  the people, I think that is funny and motivated, the market of mysterious is very strange and interesting, the art (Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo), the Architecture in the city and the pyramid and the music.

I think that go to Mexico, I like working in any body work, but be fantastic work in something of the audiovisual world or music world or onething entertaining, for me the important is know the country. I like the culture mexican for the films, I´m don´t one good film fan, but I like the world of the "Santa Sangre" (movie in Mexico), and I like I don´t know most information of Mexico, is stupid, but I think that is most surprise.

Well, in Mexico I like study, is ideal go with one grant student, like this go to the most cheap and force to myself to study more. 

Well I don´t know that one day y can go to Mexico, but I can try to aspire to one grant student or live in the house of my parents.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

The charmless man life

Well, my name is Esteban Sandoval; this blogg is a new blogg for the English class, is "the nex level" (the end). I have 22 years old, 2  brothers and 3 dogs; I think that my family is very strange, my big brother (Patricio) have 24 year old and is thrasher our similar something, my little brother (Alberto) is a little monkey that listen all music and he like the theather (beforehand this nick name in the brothers is "the under taker" of the music, because he listen one song until that don´t cant more and "Niño Rata") ; my father is a silence man and my mother is a nice woman. Alived whith them in the "field" or similar something, this located in Lampa, Batuco (Santiago).

                                        My little brother, The "Niño Rata"

My studies in the schools is all "primary" and "secondary" in one school: Instituto de Humanidades Luis Campino, this is located in Providencia; before is a means school, now is a mixed, one school for boys and girls (my little brother enjoy this). Well, now I go to the University of Chile and studding Cine and TV, I like the University, but the construction of new building is very noisy (in Juan Gomez Millas).

I like playing music with my brother, recently have one drums, and the alls Saturdays go to the play covers songs of the different bands. I like listening music and riding in bike, I am vegetarian and I dont more....

Well this is my life in words