lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Holidays in the "North"

Well, is very difficult speak of my "best" holidays, because I don´t sure of that really exist, I like all moment similar of the holidays, for example one long weekend or week in September (in special when go at the beach in winter, the "forest" of the fifth region is very green, and I like the rains), but I think that my last holidays is very beautiful, because I can learn about of Peru and Bolivia and I can learn nice people. In the last summer I go to Arica, Peru and Bolivia for one month (February) with 3 friend of Santiago, but in Bolivia I can see more friends in La Paz and Coroico.

I like the landscape of the countries, in Bolivia exist one place called "La Isla del Sol", is very nice and strange, is the most similar at the concept of the beach, but with "Titicaca" and with free pigs that he eat your food, crap and pot of one friend (lost the kitchen), but in here place exist one ruins very specials. In Perú the people is the best, is very nice and good person, in the one situation I have problem with the money (I can´t extract money of cash machine) and one women give me money for the night, is impossible that don´t like. And in Arica far away the best is the beach, really the water don’t is hot, but is vey comfortable.

Well, I don’t know that my last holidays is the "best", but I like travel for the one month in "other country", and the people with travel is very beautiful.

3 comentarios:

  1. Wow, that jorney i was amazing for you, Bolivia its a entire world for meet people and beautiful places. i hope to go soon. bye esteban "eye" sandoval.

  2. I envy you! no, i'm kidding
    I would like to travel and spend a long time in Bolivia, there are very cheap things (say the people) jaja


  3. Bolivia and Peru, your trip was amazing. You're a lucky guy.
